The specialized Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative saves lives, assets and livelihoods through increased access to early weather warnings and risk information for people in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – the world’s most vulnerable countries.
The CREWS Trust Fund has invested over US$ 40 million in projects in 44 LDCs and SIDS – and has mobilized an additional US$ 270 million from public funds of other development partners. The World Meteorological Organization implements projects funded through the CREWS Trust Fund. Australia, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom contribute to the pooled CREWS Trust Fund and provide oversight to CREWS operations through the CREWS Steering Committee. Canada supports CREWS objectives through additional funds to WMO for related CREWS activities.
WMO’s vision 2030 is a world where all nations are more resilient to the socio-economic consequences of extreme weather, climate, water and other environmental events. To achieve this, we prioritize closing the capacity gap by enhancing service delivery of developing countries, in particular LDCs and SIDS, to ensure the availability of essential information and services needed by governments, economic sectors and citizens. WMO’s engagement in CREWS contributes to meeting these goals by leveraging the technical expertise of its Members in providing enhanced warning services with a seamless approach for climate and weather events.
The Warning Advisory System available in Daily Dust Products is initiated and supported by CREWS.