Second Central Asian DUst Conference (CADUC-2)
Dust in the atmosphere of Central Asia is a regional, continental, and intercontinental phenomenon and affects the people’s life and economies. Joint efforts are necessary to assess the dust related problems and to improve the people’s life.
The conference is a platform for scientific exchange about dust research between meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology and geography. It will provide basics and new findings for senior scientists, young scientists, administrative staff, and policy makers.
Goals of the Conference
- Promote discussions between scientists who study dust in the atmosphere and at Earth's surface, especially in Central Asia
- Summarize textbook knowledge of atmospheric dust and new insights into dust, identify differences between Central Asian dust and Saharan dust and dust from other deserts, and derive conclusions
- Education/training of young scientists and technicians, administrative staff (capacity building) on 14 April 2024 (will take place in case of additional funding)
- Characterization of dust in the atmosphere and on the earth's surface at source areas, transport, deposition areas, and dust impacts on humans, plants, economies, etc.
- Description of possible vulnerabilities and actions: to avoid dust events, as well as precautions when dust events occur (warning systems of/for countries)
- Description of possible predictions and scenarios (diseases, plant growth, well-being, etc), if nothing is done against dust distribution
- Special rounds to discuss policy recommendations resulting from the scientific findings
Topics of the Conference
The following sessions are planned (changes are possible):
1 Atmospheric dust at source regions
2 Dust properties at transport
3 Atmospheric dust at sink regions
4 Aral Sea region as dust source and dust sink
5 Impacts of atmospheric dust
6 Dust early warning systems
7 Success stories in controlling sand and dust storm (SDS) hotspots
Important dates
1 June 2023: Registration (with registration sheets) opens
1 June 2023: Abstract submission system opens
15 December 2023, 23:59 CEST: Extended deadline for submitting the 4-pages abstracts
15 December 2023, 23:59 CEST: Extended Deadline for submitting the registration sheets
8 January 2024: Notification about acceptance and requests for revising of abstracts
15 February 2024: Deadline for payment of conference fees
15 February 2024: Deadline for submitting the revised versions of abstracts
Information to the abstract delivering:
4 pages A4, two columns, scan of signed publication right form
14 April 2024
Nukus and Bukhara
Organized by
Event type
Whole day
9 days