Atmospheric Environment publication: Aerosol retrievals derived from a low-cost Calitoo sun-photometer taken on board a research vessel
28 February 2025
Aerosol retrievals derived from a low-cost Calitoo sun-photometer taken on board a research vessel
This study presents a comprehensive 5-year period assessment of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Å ngströn Exponent (AE) data from a hand-held Calitoo sun photometer on board the Ángeles Alvariño research vessel. Observations spanned March 2018 to September 2023, focusing on key maritime regions such as the Canary Islands, coasts of North Africa, the Mediterranean, Portugal, the Cantabrian, and the Bay of Biscay. The Calitoo device measures solar irradiance at three wavelengths (465, 540, and 619 nm). Uncertainty analysis for Calitoo AOD retrievals was performed using the Monte Carlo method, yielding an expanded uncertainty (UAOD) ranging between 0.008 and 0.050 with a mean and standard deviation of 0.032 ± 0.008 for the three wavelengths. Our results also highlight the remarkable calibration stability of the Calitoo (< 2.6%) over this 5-year period. Calitoo AOD values were assessed using reference AOD data from Santa Cruz de Tenerife (the Canary Islands), El Arenosillo (Huelva), and Palma de Mallorca (the Balearic Islands) AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) stations. The comparison revealed a good agreement with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.727 to 0.917 and mean bias ranging from -0.030 to -0.001. Additionally, the Calitoo AOD data were compared with MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and CAMS-ECMWF (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service-European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) aerosol products obtaining that Calitoo AOD values were generally lower, showing negative mean bias of -0.063 and -0.024, respectively.
The aerosol characterizations using AE vs. AOD plots in the three maritime study regions using 5-years of non-routine Calitoo data are similar to the corresponding aerosol characterizations performed with simultaneous AERONET-Cimel data.
These findings underscore Calitoo’s reliability for aerosol studies in regions where AERONET instruments or other aerosol networks are unavailable. Likewise, given the low cost of Calitoo photometers, they could be deployed onboard a large number of merchant and passenger ships or in other remote or under-monitored areas, providing near real-time AOD/AE data to enhance our understanding of aerosols processes or for model or satellite assimilation/validation.
Rosa D. García, África Barreto, Celia Rey, Eugenio Fraile-Nuez, Alba González-Vega, Sergio F. León-Luis, Antonio Alcantara, A. Fernando Almansa, Carmen Guirado-Fuentes, Pablo González-Sicilia, Victoria E. Cachorro, Frederic Bouchar,
Aerosol retrievals derived from a low-cost Calitoo sun-photometer taken on board a research vessel,
Atmospheric Environment,
Volume 341,
ISSN 1352-2310,
Aerosol retrievals derived from a low-cost Calitoo sun-photometer taken on board a research vessel,
Atmospheric Environment,
Volume 341,
ISSN 1352-2310,